As neodymium magnets are so strong, their uses are versatile. They are produced for both commercial and industrial needs. For example, something as simple as a piece of magnetic jewelry uses a neo to keep the earring in place. At the same time, neodymium magnets are being sent into space to help collect dust from the surface of Mars. Neodymium magnets’ dynamic capabilities have even led to them being used in experimental levitation devices. In addition to these, neodymium magnets are used in such applications as welding clamps, oil filters, geocaching, mounting tools, costumes, and many more. We produce custom Neodymium NdFeB magnets and custom magnetic assemblies so we can help you find the best fit for your project. Magnets are everywhere - and in many places that you might not realize. As you look around in the consumer and business world, magnets are found as holding devices, closures, latches, or right in front of you as signage. The signs above you at the store or in line at the cashier are often held up by flexible magnets or magnetic channel assemblies. Purses and cell phone holders many times have neodymium magnets (rare earth magnets) as closures. Of course all electric motors have a magnet too! Perhaps the descriptions in this section will inspire you to create new applications in new industries.
-Arc / Segment / Tile / Curved magnets -Eye Bolt magnets -Block magnets -Magnetic Hooks / Hook magnets -Hexagon magnets -Ring magnets -Countersunk and counterbore magnets -Rod Magnets -Cube magnets -Adhesive Magnet -Disc Magnets -Sphere magnets neodymium -Ellipse & Convex Magnets -Other Magnetic Assemblies