As neodymium magnets are so strong, their uses are versatile. They are produced for both commercial and industrial needs. For example, something as simple as a piece of magnetic jewelry uses a neo to keep the earring in place. At the same time, neodymium magnets are being sent into space to help collect dust from the surface of Mars. Neodymium magnets’ dynamic capabilities have even led to them being used in experimental levitation devices. In addition to these, neodymium magnets are used in such applications as welding clamps, oil filters, geocaching, mounting tools, costumes, and many more. We produce custom Neodymium NdFeB magnets and custom magnetic assemblies so we can help you find the best fit for your project. Some of the common applications of the rare earth magnets are:
-Motors and Generators -Meters -Automotive (clamps, sensors) -Aerospace
-Separation systems -High-performance magnetic clamps and pot magnets -Computer hard drives -High-end speakers
Honsen Magnetics is specialized in the production of magnetic materials and focuses on neodymium magnets, magnetic components, magnetic assemblies, and their applications for many years. With years of production and R & D experiences, we continue to provide customers with the best quality products and the most cost-effective solutions. Contact us to provide services for your projects.

-Arc / Segment / Tile / Curved magnets -Eye Bolt magnets -Block magnets -Magnetic Hooks / Hook magnets -Hexagon magnets -Ring magnets -Countersunk and counterbore magnets -Rod Magnets -Cube magnets -Adhesive Magnet -Disc Magnets -Sphere magnets neodymium -Ellipse & Convex Magnets -Other Magnetic Assemblies